Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Eid-ul Fitre 5K race Monday 9/21 10AM

The Dhaka Triathlon Club is hosting a 5k fundraising race on

Monday, September 21st at 10:00am

The 5K course is 2-loops around Baridhara and will start at the intersection of United Nations Road and Road # 10.

Prizes for the fastest male and female finishers!

100% of race proceeds will go to the ICDDR,B Dhaka Hospital “Patients’ Welfare Fund”.

The objectives of this fund are to purchase blood for transfusion, medications, clothes, life saving diet for persistent diarrhoea cases, attendants for very sick patients without a companion, transportation costs and admission fees for referral cases to other hospitals.
Please come out and run and even if you can’t, please consider making a donation or giving your “zakat” money to the hospital’s “Patients’ Welfare Fund” c/o Md. Ramzan Ali, Manager Hospital Administration.

500 taka race fee due at sign in (9:45AM)

Please pre-register by emailing Robin at

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