Sunday, March 2, 2008

Tour de Baridhara

SLR cranked up the mileage once again and ran a pre-set 9 mile route called the “tour de Baridhara”. It ran down EVERY street in this local neighborhood (twice!) and also introduced some runners to a great new footpath in Gulshan that runs along the Lake. It was a good size group that was a mix of both veteran SLR attendees along with some new faces. The group kept a great pace with the back of the pack finishing in about 1:25! There was discussion after the run of moving the start time earlier as the weather begins to heat up. Suggestions and inputs welcomed on this topic.

This week the schedule calls for a 10 mile run, but sensing the need for a ‘step-back’ week in our training, I am inserting one here. So, those who are feeling up to it, please run the scheduled 10 miles Saturday. For those who need a little bit of a break (like me!), let’s step back the long run this week to 7 miles. Your body can recover and rest and we will continue our ascent the following week.

Stay tuned for a NEW (and earlier) start time for our March 15th SLR where we will run 11 miles in preparation for the KL half marathon at the end of March.

Please join us Saturday March 8th at 7AM in front of the ARA to run 7 miles!


*** Note: there is a charity road race on Friday, March 7th from the BHC. For more information check the boards at either ARA or BHC club.

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